Thursday, August 28, 2008

A36s foraging at Blinkhorn

Seasmoke reports
Heading out on tour this afternoon passengers were thrilled to see orcas early on in the tour, they were foraging in the flood current near Turn Point in Johnstone Strait and across to the Vancouver Island shore, well spread out. The three A36 boys had been foraging at Blinkhorn for quite some time ahead of our arrival while the A12’s traveled to the west, foraging along the Hanson Island shore. As they made their way closer to Weynton Passage the A12’s worked their way into the heavy current providing some wonderful viewing. They were observed foraging, resting, spyhopping and pectoral and tail slapping was also seen.
We stayed with the A12’s and watched as they made their way slowly into Weynton Passage traveling at just 2 knots against the flood current, the viewing was superb.

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