Saturday, April 08, 2006

8 April 2006 Cetaceanlab reports:

We had the pleasure of seeing the orca family of A36s today in Whale Channel right out front of Cetacealab. All three brothres were present!!!!!

We started hearing very faint calls around noon. We thought the whales were at the top part of Whale Channel at that time. At around 4pm the calls started to get closer and we decided to go out to our view-point to look for them. When we first saw them the A36s were very spread out and we initially only saw two. They travelled to the junction of Whale and Squally Channel when they decided to turn around.

It was then that we were able to see all three of them. A37 was in the lead in mid-channel while A32 and A46 were closer to the Gil Island side, trailing by about one mile. They cleared our view at 5:45pm and as far as we know continue north in Whale Channel.

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