Tuesday, September 20, 2005

20 September Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Good morning everyone! It sounds like the crowd that headed south into Blackney Pass on the ebbing tide last evening, and then turned back, has finally made it into Johnstone Strait, this time on the slack. We began hearing distant calls on the Critical Point hydrophone around 6:30 am, & since then have heard the A30s, A12s, I15s, & I11/31s. They are heading east, on the Vancouver Island side of the Strait.
20 Sep 2005 07:10:01 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A12s left the other groups andjust passed by the lab in Blackney on their way to Blackfish Sound. Just as they entered Blackfish Sound we could hear the A36s there as well. The calls are now growing distant perhaps going with the ebbing tide. The large group in the Strait have been silent for a while and now there is boat noise.
20 Sep 2005 08:42:45 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

We just had an interesting pass. We think the I35s along with I80 headed to Blackfish from the Strait. They were followed by the A30s and part of the I15s (including I41). It certainly was not all of the I31s nor all of the I15s. Meanwhile, the A36s and the A12s are headed toward the Foster Islands in Queen Charlotte Strait. Where are the other I31s, I15s and I11s?
20 Sep 2005 10:22:42 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Although they just became quiet. The whales have been making their way through Weynton Pass on the flood tide. The turn in Queen Charlotte Strait started just before the slack tide and by the time the lead group was nearing Weynton Pass the flood was in progress. We are now beginning to hear the first groups arrive in Johnstone Strait. Their calls are very distant. The large number of whales were so spread out that the calls on Flower Island faded at the same time the lead group reached the Strait. If everyone who was here returns (this time including the A36s) there will be near to 60 whales in the area. Acouple of humbacks have added to the spectacular day.
20 Sep 2005 14:10:19 PDT

Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.

The whales have now reached the entrance to Blackney and are soon to cross over to CP.
20 Sep 2005 15:21:03 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The I15s, I31s,I11s, A1s have moved closer to the Reserve. Thunder and lightening have given way to lovely sunshine once more.
20 Sep 2005 16:58:55 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

We just had quite a few whales head east past CP. They were spread out from midstrait to the Vancouver Island shore and they stretched all the way from the Reserve to CP. Everyone seemed to be mixed up but we definitely saw I41 (I15s), I64 (I11s), I42 (I31s), and I46 (I31s), as well as the A30s, A12, and possibly the A36s.
Mary and Julie@CP
20 Sep 2005 17:20:10 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Now the whales are spread out from Critical Point to the Beaches.
20 Sep 2005 17:51:14 PDT

No orcas present.

We think the whales left for the east after their pass of the beaches.
20 Sep 2005 21:46:37 PDT

Superb sounds!!

All the groups are making their way back past the Bight and on towards CP. Right now the A30s and the I15s are closest to the Bight but before them the I11s,I31s and A12s already made their way and we are just picking up their calls on CP.
20 Sep 2005 23:32:13 PDT

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